Saturday, May 8, 2010

Karchev the Terrible- for sale

This is he Karchev I painted a few months back. I am looking to sell it and here he is:

Shattered Ground Finale Event Success

So, the nightfall drew to an end and today was our finally gaming day. We had 10 players showed up, 2 khador(epic Butcher and eSorscha), 2 skhorne(prime and epic morghoul), 1 troll(eDoomy with Mulg), 1 Merc(Gorten and later into bart), 1 legion(me with eThagrosh), 2 cryx(Terminus, Withcoven and sometime later eSkarre), 1 cygnar(eHaley and later Darius).

Some background, I was ahead by a dozen of so league points with khador wins and talion stomps, I was gonna play Strakhov today byut ended up wanting to play something more scary.

Thagrosh the Messiah- PPS Forum painting competition 2010

As a motivation to others I had finished my entry. Started at 3:30 today and finished at 8:30. Photoshoped the background and sharpened the picture in spots. Here it is:

Upper tier- Thagrosh the Messiah