Saturday, May 8, 2010

Shattered Ground Finale Event Success

So, the nightfall drew to an end and today was our finally gaming day. We had 10 players showed up, 2 khador(epic Butcher and eSorscha), 2 skhorne(prime and epic morghoul), 1 troll(eDoomy with Mulg), 1 Merc(Gorten and later into bart), 1 legion(me with eThagrosh), 2 cryx(Terminus, Withcoven and sometime later eSkarre), 1 cygnar(eHaley and later Darius).

Some background, I was ahead by a dozen of so league points with khador wins and talion stomps, I was gonna play Strakhov today byut ended up wanting to play something more scary.

My list:

Game 1:
I started as attacker versus eSkarre, his list:

Mechanithralls Full
-3 brute thralls
Necronsurgeon and her little friends
He started the game by moving up and running. I began my game by running everything and casting defensive animus and running the angel up to a hill with impassable sides but a plateform to stand on, I eventually moved him out so I'm not a complete jerk. He then proceeded to run everything up to me and feat, stopping typhon, thagrosh, nightmare, herself and carnivean to attack or be attacked. I walked warder up and killed a bunch of dudes, then moved back to hide for a while. The feat turn passed without trouble, the angel charged deathjack and ripped off an arm with 9 damage. I sealed the game with typhon walking up to Skarre and spit her to death with destiny spray.

Third game with depletion on carnivean versus my local press ganger playing pMorg. Amazing player, almost got him though.

-Titan Gladiator
Other light warbeast whatever its name is..
Baby titan(agonizer)
swamp gobbers
Alright, started with everything moving up and me learning what's on the other side. Trolls and skhorn are the two factions that I'm slightly clueless about. I ended up moving back alittle to sustain the rush and his early feat. The cannoneer hurt the angel pretty bad with pow 15 fully boost shots. I managed to feat and kill bronzeback then the baby and moved back to prevent charges. I misjudged the distance of 11" from titan gladiator and he stomped the carnivean, the feralgist took him for the sake of capturing a flag. I then casted manifest destiny and put evasive as my strategem on the angelius and charged pMorg with pow 16 attack under armor piercing(+2 against small base models), miss on a boosted attack with MD and missed on a boosted second attack, I only needed a 11 to hit. This pretty much sealed the deal for me, the titan gladiator charged from 11 inch away and I had only 2 transfers, thagrosh took it to the face.

It was alot of learning, big thing is to never forget counter charge and admonition on models(which I didn't this time), however, that 11" charging elephant is very much so nasty.
Forth game against another one of my favorite players: Zack with gorten and his gun-bunnies.

He already won two defensive games and of his gun-bunnies is down to 6 boxes due to depletion, it was pretty funny.

His list:
-Driller(oh my god the driller)
-spraying gun-bunny
-spraying gun-bunny
-single shot gun-bunny
-single shot gun-bunny
a 2 men hammer dwarf guys dude to depletion
6 men hammerfall gun corp
herne and jone

I went first and ran everything up, utilizing my speed to get at him. He moved up and shot some random crap. I moved up again and casted my usual defensive spells and animi, the angel charged a gun-bunny and one shot it. He walked up and feated, missing thagrosh by half and inch with his feat but pulled the typhon to him. The driller walked up to the typhon and "drilled" it REAL GOOD. My warder casted it animus and charged another gun bunny, killed it and engaed another. The carni walked up and sprayed at the hammer corp and killed a couple. I kept from 10 inch of gorten and did not do anything funny. Shepher charged a hammer dwarf and killed it. Angel charged another gun-bunny and killed it. Last gun-bunny walked up and sprayed thagrosh, took off 4 boxes, I was really hoping for a shredder so I can bite gorten to death. The game ended with carnivean accidently killing gorten with his pow 14 spray. Go carni.

Last game started with typhon depleted. This time against eSorscha:

full winterguard
-2 rocketeers
2 mortars

Nothing much went on, we moved up, he CRAed, carni took it to his ARM 22 under animus and dragon's blood. I moved up and walked into sorscha but her feat ended up knocking off 25 boxes on him. I forgot to heal him so even fully boosted under MD, he still couldn't hit sorscha's def 19 under iron flesh. He then proceeded to assassination with sorscha, using 4 focus to cast cyclone because of arcane suppression, he couln't kill thagrosh without her feat and pow 13 just didn't make the cut. Thagrosh just looked at her and smiled. The juggernaut and the kodiak died early in the game due to charging carnivean and typhon.

So all in all, 5 games played, 10 event points total and about 62 league points, leading by almost 20 league points. I earned the league champion coin as well as the first place tournament coin for today because we hosted this in place of our tournament.
Lessons, DO NOT misjudge the threat range of titans and bronzebacks, they will get you. Do not bank on assassinations and always have a back up plan unless its rat 8 typhon versus def 16 caster with MD up and all 4 fury to spend.
Thanks alot everyone for reading all this junk. I tried my best for our cause and hopefully bumped us up a bit on the map. Yay.
Oh and for your information, I did not take notes on any of this. I just felt like sharing after I got home.

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